Specializing in Reflexology and Acuscope Therapy



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Bebas Neue

Great Vibes

Rock Salt





Indie Flower


Roboto Slab


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What people are saying

Reflexology by Haley gets 5 stars from me. Each session is not only relaxing but informational. I've only had a few sessions but I'm already feeling 

less stress in my shoulder. It's not gone entirely but I expect that with time it will be. I am amazed at the knowledge that Haley has and her willingness to share it. Her enthusiasm for learning and helping people is quite inspiring. 

Diane Reichel

I could not believe it when I had a cramp-free period after our session!! That was a miracle, I swear. 

Michelle Kamp

I noticed a remarkable difference after the first treatment an found her to be very knowledgeable an good at what she was doing with my feet.  Haley is very passionate about reflexology an I am enjoying the results of her treatments.

I'd highly recommend her!

Jo Ann Wiley

Thank you so much for my Reflexology session two days ago. My back is so much better!!! The pain has moved to more specific and smaller area, my cold and lungs are way better, I feel like I have more energy and I’m less rattled by things, maybe your working my hormones helped with that.

Corey Hord

My objective wasn't even to help with my back pain, but it was so improved after my session with Haley that I overslept because it felt so good!

Tanya Luther

Haley is absolutely amazing! You will leave feeling relaxed and pampered!! Haley is incredibly knowledgeable and understands how to help you and your body with healing current issues as well as preventing injury!!

Rachelle Swartzentruber

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